Rise of Empire (Riyria Revelations box set Book 2)

Rise of Empire (Riyria Revelations box set Book 2)

At this point, do I need to say it again? Michael continues to impress me with his engaging and exciting writing. Rise of Empire is a great entry into the Riyria Revelations, which, if you have read any of my reviews, shouldn’t be surprising in the least. 

During Rise of Empire, Hadrian and Royce find themselves in the role of sailors for the first time. I am a fish out of water (sea what I did there… and see what I did there?) when it comes to nautical or sailing terms, so I admit I was a little bug-eyed reading those chapters. However, I found them fascinated and began to wonder if Michel was in the navy at some point in his career. The level of detail was amazing! As an aspiring writer, I was blown away thinking of the level of research he must have performed in order to sound so knowledgeable.  

I will also admit that similar sounding character names have started to cause some confusion for me. I found myself pausing my reading to try and recall who someone was and when was the last time we heard from that character. I think this is a reflection of me, the reader, and not the brilliance of the author.

Again, Michael J Sullivan brings us an exciting adventure and moves the story along. I am looking forward to reading the third and final book in the series!

C. L. 


Heir of Novron (Riyria Revelations box set Book 3)


Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations box set Book 1)