
Who is C. L. Bartley?

Clint Lee Bartley (C. L.) was born ~6:30PM on a Thursday night on July 16th, in the year of our Lord 1981. The setting was Fort Worth, Texas.

Wait... nah, let's move forward a bit.

C. L. has a passion. Many passions, really, but mainly, the passion to create. As a young boy, C. L. built and destroyed Legos, creating his own settings, stories and characters. When it became socially unacceptable to play with Legos as a teenager, he began to write short stories and dabble in different forms of art.  Until one frigid December evening in 2002, when this creative curiosity became a full fledged burning desire.

After watching the wonderful film, LOTR, The Two Towers, C. L. was inspired to tell his own story of redemption and growth. Mere hours after the credits rolled, C. L. was creating his own world full of quirky characters within a story that spanned generations. This tale of self discovery was bolstered by the storytelling of the ABC show, Lost. All these years later, this fire still burns brightly and those characters stories are still being written.

In between rewrites, C. L. would use his creative abilities to create art, mostly in the form of abstract paintings. These paintings usually caught the eye of anyone who visited his apartments, which led C. L. to keep painting. Today, this urge to paint burns bright as he pursues exhibitions of his own!

C. L. currently lives in Plano, Texas with his gorgeous, helpful wife, a beautiful 2 year old daughter and a handsome newborn son. In fact, said wife is assisting him in maintaining this website and sending query letters to Literary Agents and/or publishers. Armed with a B.S. in History and a Masters in Business Administration, C. L. spends his days at a local hospital working in their I.T. department (go figure). His nights are spent at the gym, going for a jog, playing golf or spending time with his budding family.   

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