Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations box set Book 1)

Michael J Sullivan did it again! Wait, is this a Back to the Future situation since this was his first published book? Either way – Theft of Swords is great book! I already bought the 2nd and 3rd in the series, not to mention the signed paperbacks directly from the author.

The Riyria Revelations is one of Michael J Sullivan’s first published books (if not THE first). On his website, he recommends reading his stories in terms of publishing order. May of them are set in the same world, albeit different timelines. Alas, I already read the Legends of the First Empire series, so I am out of order on this one. 

Anyway, this book follows Hadrian and Royce in their adventures that bring them intertwined with the political heavy hitters of the day. Theft of Swords is a fun and well written adventure series. This book is actually two books in one, but other than dealing with longer-than-normal chapters, it works out just fine.

As I mentioned, I already purchased the next two books in the series and purchased signed paperback editions directly from the authors on his website. Please support Michael J Sullivan give him a chance if you haven’t read his work!

C. L.


Rise of Empire (Riyria Revelations box set Book 2)


Age of Empyre: Book Six of the Legends of the First Empire