Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors

Philip and Alexander by Adrian Goldsworthy is an in depth look at the lives of Philip and Alexander, Kings of Macedon. Most people have heard of Alexander the Great, some have heard of his father, Philip, but most do not know the full story. This book goes into great detail about both their lives.

One of the reasons I was interested in this book was that part of it would be dedicate to Philip, who does not get as much attention as his son, Alexander. As expected, there was a lot to learn, although not nearly as much is known about Philip. 

As with all books that deal with historical figures (especially ancient historical figures), we are rarely left with any insight from the individuals themselves. It is up to the reader to decide if these rulers were fair (sometimes) or cruel (sometimes). We must also remember to judge their actions based on the context of their time, not by today’s standards and norms.

All in all, this book was great. Adrian Goldsworthy has fast become my go to author for all things historical, so expect to see more from him! I would recommend this book to anyone with passing interest in Alexander the Great. If you watched the 2004 film, Alexander by Oliver Stone, then much of the story will be familiar. (Hint: It’s a great, if long, movie) There is a lot of information that might be a little “too much” for the casual reader, but it all provides context into what drove these men in their decisions to conquer the known world. 

C. L. 


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