Sword of Destiny (The Witcher)

Sword of Destiny is the second book in The Witcher series. Much like my review of The Last Wish, I was underwhelmed with the second entry into the series.

The writing style in this book was similar to The Last Wish in that much of the writing was long chunks of dialogue. It wasn’t as bad as the first book, but overall, it wasn’t great. In fact, to sum it up, I am abandoning my plan to finish reading this series in favor of finding a new series to tackle. Witch (see what I did??), should tell you all you need to know about how engaging the series is, thus far.

Like I said in my first Witcher review, if you’re a fan of The Witcher on Netflix and a voracious reader, then you should give this a shot. If not, then I’d skip this series altogether, which I hate to say.

C. L.


A Chance Beginning: Book One of the Shadow’s Fire Trilogy (Volume 1)


The Last Wish: Introducing The Witcher