Age of Legend: Book Four of the Legends of the First Empire

Age of Legend: Book 4 of The Legends of the First Empire

Let’s just jump right into this and say that Age of Legends is by far my favorite book of the Legends of the First Empire series, so far.  It was wonderful!  I know that Michael J Sullivan has written many books before but this one felt different for me.  It could very well be that I am maturing as a reader as I practice my own writing craft, but still – the scenes in the swamp are fantastic.  Absolutely stellar.  I really do care about these characters and I am living their lives at this point.  Incredible writing.

If you haven’t read any of this series, then definitely start from the beginning, but I can vouch for the payoff.  I absolutely love this series and can’t wait for the next book.  Once it’s released, it will go straight to the top of my queue! 

C. L.


Napoleon: A Life


The Storm Before The Storm