The Writing Life

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard is…. Ok.  I had just finished On Writing by Stephen King and I was hungry for more content on the art of writing so I dived right into this book and well, I was a bit underwhelmed. To be fair, I listened to the audiobook version and part of my “problem” with this book is the narration of the material.  It was a bit over the top for me.  Granted, I had just finished reading a book by one of the greatest writers of all time so perhaps nothing could have lived up to the hype?

Either way – I would skip this book to be honest with you.  It didn’t connect with me, which I was fairly bummed out about.

C. L.


Age of Swords and Age of War: Books Two and Three of Legends of the First Empire


On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft