The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt

I finished this book a while back, but forgot to write a review! Ah well, I blame COVID. 

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris is a comprehensive history of Teddy Roosevelt from birth to his presidency. I was a little perturbed when the book ended right as Teddy became president, but then I remembered the title of the book. Doh! That just tells you how much I was enjoying the story of his rise to power.

If you aren’t familiar with Teddy Roosevelt, he is a fascinating man. He has his flaws, just as we all do, but there’s a reason he is on Mount Rushmore. This book is a great way to start learning about Teddy and his background. There aren’t any major surprises here, but simply a chronological view of his political rise in American and world politics. 

I’d recommend this to anyone who is interested in politics or American history. A great survey of a great politician. I wonder if he would have thrived in today’s political climate? Hmm… I’d rather not know…

C. L.


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