Crusaders: An Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands

Crusaders: The Epic History of the Wars for the Holy Lands is a good companion book to increase your knowledge about the Crusades. Dan Jones does a decent job and making the story engaging and for the most part, keeps your attention. There is no doubt that this book dives deeper into some of the lesser known influencers of the Crusades and sheds light on all sides of the conflict.

I do wish that I had read up on the Crusades with an introductory type of book or lecture series before diving into Crusaders. Of course, many famous names (Richard the Lionheart, Saladin, etc.) make appearances in the book, but I found myself doing extra research to ground the story to a setting I would find familiar. That isn’t on Dan Jones, but instead, it was on me to have a better grasp of the subject before tackling this book.

Still, I would recommend reading this back after listening to an introductory lecture or reading a more introductory volume regarding The Crusades.

C. L.


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