Just Remember…


Additional queries continue to go out!

And... a few more rejections return.  

Here’s the thing I am realizing, though. If you’re rejected from a Literary Agent or Publisher, it’s because they aren’t the right fit for you and your work. It has nothing to do with the quality of your story or writing. If I wanted to make an epic action movie, I’d want Jerry Bruckheimer or Justin Lin, not the folks who are better suited to making Nicholas Sparks movies. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with either kind of film! However, you want a director who will do justice with the material.

Same idea with an agent and/or publisher!

You have to change your mindset and see a “pass” as narrowing down the field towards your perfect agent, not as a negative.  

I’m staying at it! 

C. L. 


A Busy Summer Coming to a Close


My First Rejection